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Richfaces Styles Not Display In OC4J 11 Preview 4

Richfaces 3.2 require the xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar which is not available in OC4J 11 Preview 4. Download xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar from this url look for version 2.7.1 Create a directory named " xerces.xml " in oc4j/lib/java/shared Changed to the new created directory and create another directory name " 2.7 " Unzip the file xalan-j_2_7_1-bin-2jars.tar.gz and copy xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar into oc4j/lib/java/shared/xerces.xml/2.7 Modify your orion-application.xml to add the new shared library, the code are listed below: <imported-shared-libraries> <remove-inherited name="oracle.xml"> <import-shared-library name="xerces.xml"> </import-shared-library> Modify your oracle server.xml to setup the xerces.xml shared library. Add the code listed below in your server.xml <shared-library name="xerces.xml" version="2.7" root-dir="${oracle.home}/lib/java/shared"> <code-sourc...

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